80 women will be taking part of the first class.

Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP), a container terminal on the right bank of the Port of Santos, started on International Women’s Day, March 8th, the classes of the initiative BTP com Elas, a free course aimed at contributing to the integration of women into the job market.

The first class of the course titled ‘Women in the Port’ will consist of 80 women, residents of Baixada Santista. The classes will be in person, divided into two groups, and held over the next two months within the container terminal itself (located in the neighborhood of Alemoa, in Santos).

The BTP com Elas classes will be 100% taught by women, who are also employees of the container terminal and will volunteer their time. All professionals have been specially trained by the company to teach the course.

During the course, participants will learn through theoretical activities, group dynamics, and discussions about Port and Equipment, Leadership, Financial Management, Technology and Innovation, Port Automation, Psychological Safety, Environment, Port Business, Communication, Project Management, Self-awareness, among other topics.

BTP com Elas is a new initiative of the container terminal and is part of the company’s diversity, equity, and inclusion program, which is currently expanding.

(Credit: BTP)

About BTP:

Operating since 2013, BTP – a private terminal for public use – has established itself as the largest container terminal in South America. Located in the Port of Santos, the company was responsible for remediating one of the largest environmental liabilities in the port area in the country. With 1,108 meters of quay, prepared to receive three new panamax class ships simultaneously, the terminal serves vessels with routes to all continents, also providing cabotage and feeder services. A joint venture between Terminal Investment Limited and APM Terminals, BTP has obtained international certifications: OEA (Authorized Economic Operator), ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), ISO 14001:2015 (Environment), and ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety). More information is available on the portal www.btp.com.br and official social media channels: @brasilterminalportuario